Category Archives: OOTD

Wearing it Wednesday – Rock it

There are days where we need to feel like we are in control and rocking it, even if we aren't on the inside. This outfit captures that. Wearing Sportscraft boyfriend straight leg jeans with cuff rolled up. The waist sits high enough to be comfortable and not fussy around the tummy area. Teamed with a…
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Wearing it Wednesday – The no suit! Suit option

Working from home means my day to day looks are very different to my old corporate desk job where a standard black suit fit the bill every day. This look is perfect for a meeting with your accountant in the city, it makes you stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons.  A…
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Wearing it Wednesday – Holiday Shopping

I recently went away on a little family holiday, and I may have spent an afternoon or two looking through the local shops. I'm always careful when shopping on holidays that pieces are going to work back into my wardrobe at home. I discovered this delicate silk boho style dress on a sale rack ($60)…
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Wearing it Wednesday – Birthday Boho Style

Recently I celebrated my birthday, I'm not a huge fan of making a fuss. A hot stone pedicure and a manicure certainly wasn't a bad start my day after some morning exercise. Finding a new dress to wear to lunch was the bonus! The brand is The Cherry Shop and the dress cost $69.00, an easy…
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